ukactive, the UK’s leading not-for-profit health body for the physical activity sector, is working with local and national partners to develop a policy-driven, practical approach to increasing accessibility and providing more opportunities for children and young people to be physically active.

We want to learn from the experience and knowledge of national and local organisations and individuals to create an approach built on what works across the settings, institutions and social environments that children and young people experience.


Collaboration is the stuff of growth!

Childhood inactivity is a shared problem and evidence shows the need for changing the way our communities and institutions support children and young people to promote and provide positive physical activity opportunities. ukactive welcomes contributions from all parts of society, not only to capture feedback from big businesses and organisations but also to empower and support individuals and grass roots initiatives.


Help us in our mission to get more children, more active, more often

ukactive would like to hear about your experiences and opinions, which will inform the development of our approach. We would welcome input, feedback and suggestions on the following areas that could be changed and developed to support physical activity for children and young people:

The Organisations and Institutions that children and young people experience.

The Physical Environment that children and young people grow up in.

The Social Environment that children interact with.

ukactive Kids Partners